DEGOS L-TEMP is a high-quality PMMA in monochrome tooth colour for long-term temporaries. As a class IIa medical device, our L-TEMP is suitable for long-term use up to 12 months. The L-TEMP can be used monolithically or veneered with commercially available resin composites.
Further information
- Technical data
- Indications
- Features
- Downloads
• Medizinprodukt Klasse IIa
• Biegefestigkeit: > 80 MPa
• E-Modul: 2988 MPa
• Restmonomergehalt: < 0,03%
• Wasseraufnahme: < 25 μg /mm3
- Long-term temporaries, up to 12 months retention time in the mouth
- Crowns and bridges, fully anatomical or veneered
- High-quality PMMA in monochrome tooth colour
- Good flexural strength, also suitable for larger bridges
- High material homogeneity, very good for milling
(dry or wet)
- Can be veneered with all commercially available plastic